Saturday, March 14, 2020

How to Become a Game Designer Part 1 | Possible Gamer

How to Become a Game Designer

Part 1

How to Become a Game Designer part 1

Game Designer Graph the new experiences of video games, Game Designer create the new idea for the video games, game designer set the new trends of the video games, and all the game designer wants to need a job in a great and big company, and wants to me AAA games, make Ideas for the game, and make the dream game into reality.
it seems like the job is very easy we only need to make ideas and design but here we discuss how.
The big Question comes here What Game Designer do, or can we be a game designer and what we have to learn, which skill we need to learn about to know that read the article.


So Lets Begin--- 
If in our Mind Pops up with a idea so we start building game directly but this not a good method Because before starting making game we need to do a Planing And the big companies always do a planing and discuss about the game they decide that the game is single player, multiplayer, open world, platform game, story based if it is story based so how the characters look like, what type of story be, Battle Royal, etc. How the Game play, Machines be etc. They take dozens of decision and this process is called Game Designing.

Game Play Designer 
For game designing we need game designer and they design the core of the video game. they make a proper document in that they define what are the concepts of the game like machines, game play, rules, missions, combat, in that the define smallest and the largest decision in it. After that they do planning and set the goals for it according the goals they set the teams for a specific goal in the big companies all the parts have separate teams like for game play they have game play designer they have good knowledge about game play. They work with software engineers, game programmers to make a excellent game play. 

Ui Designer
For UI they have UI designer they create menu, health bar, etc the UI designer is most important because the UI plays a big role. In the game and in the mobile games we have more importance of UI. UI designer work with 2D designer, 3D designer, animator, graphic designer so they can make excellent UI.

Level Designer
For Video Games we have levels and the levels are made by Level Designer and they have best knowledge about levels they know that what level makes fun and unfunny they also work with game programmers, graphic designers, environments artist and make the level challenging and interesting so the players build there interest in the game.

And that's nothing For the complexity of the game we have Different Different Designers like System Designers, Script Designers, Combat Designers, Mission Designers, etc. All of the Designers were lead by Lead Designer.
Game Designer can also become Famous because they get a chance to go in press conference, talk about the game so they got popularity and become famous.

How to Become Game Designer
If you think i have great great ideas for game creation so this is the not the only thing to go with it because the big companies have many great ideas and the ideas are cheap so companies need those person who can implement the idea into a reality who can tell about what we need to achieve for idea to reality so the companies need these types of designer.
The companies get costly designer because the one decision of the designer take a decision the team works to it if the designer takes wrong decision and team work to it so the decision will waste of time and money and company get costly. So companies need experienced game designer so getting the job in big company is quite difficult but you can do the entry level job where you can do game tester job so the question comes what is game tester.

As you know the article is becoming too long so we discuss about game tester and other more things in next part How to become game designer part 2. free to learn
So that's all guys I hope you like the post and if deed you can comment down below and thanks for reading the topic we will meet in another blog bye... 
This Author of the Post Tashvik Bansal and this post is upload on

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